Yes, we at Grammar Check Free intend to launch new versions in the future. As we get feedback from users we will address their issues and work on improving the application. Asides from this we will continue to do our own research and incorporate new changes in the application. Launching new versions will remain an ongoing activity as we work on improving the application. To help us improve the application we would appreciate our users sending us their feedback. Users’ feedback will make us aware of any loopholes or problems being faced by them. Therefore we will keep inviting users to send us their comments and feedbacks. Without feedbacks we would be unaware of the issues that users are facing while using Grammar Check. So go ahead, send us your feedback. When sending any feedback please try and back it up with a suitable reference. For example, if it’s a problem with running the application attach a screen shot. If there’s a grammar rule missing attach a reference. We will really appreciate that.